It's such a funny sensation to be----------------------------這是如此奇妙的感受
So happy that you wanna die-----------------------------------企盼你的深情相許
Promises always were crazy to me -------------------承諾對我來說 永遠都是瘋狂的
But never was I so surprised -----------------------然而 這一切 我都不感到意外
Minutes are longer when we are apart------------------當你不在身邊 時間變得漫長
Your presence's more than I can handle-----------有你出現的時刻 我已早已失去控制
It's come to the point where I wonder if I
Could ever be luckier when----------------------------不知我是否 可以如此的幸運
Suddenly I'm back at the core--------------------------------突然間 我回到原點
Thinking of her who had you before-----------------------想著曾經和你在一起的她
Were you as good
As good as we are-------------------------------那時的你 也像我們現在這樣快樂嗎
Do you remember?--------------------------------------------你還惦記著她嗎?
Did you love her the way you love me?-----------你是否也曾用 愛我的方式 去愛著她
Is there a chance that there might be ---------------------你和她過去的點點滴滴
Traces of her that you carry under the surface?---------還埋藏在你的心底深處嗎?
Lend me your ears, I would like to confess-------------耳朵靠過來 我要向你告白
I'm doubting that you can be real----------------------對於你的坦承 我十分懷疑
By your side wearing a beautiful dress ----------------在你的身旁 我只為你美麗
I celebrate how good it feels------------------------------我珍惜片刻的美好時光
Say that you love me, say that it's true-------------說你愛我 告訴我這是真實的
I know that I want to believe you--------------------------------我想要相信你
But somehow silence speaks louder than words------------然而 沉默確征服了言語
I'm worried she's still on your mind-----------我依舊掛念著的是 她還依然住在你心裡
Mmm... I know that I'm selfish---------------------------------我知道我很自私
I know that it's bad-------------------------------------------我知道這樣不好
I know, but it's driving me mad------------------------------但我就是無法克制
It's driving me mad--------------------------------------------無法克制這一切
Under the surface---------------------------------------------------埋藏心底
Under the surface---------------------------------------------------埋藏心底
¨°º¤ø„¸ Marit is the ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ ~~~Best!!~~~``°º¤ø„¸