2008年10月28日 星期二

Tesla:Model S

Tesla announces the Model S

Electric Carmaker Tesla Downshifts
Autos October 23, 2008, 5:00PM EST

Funding gaps have put some of the Silicon Valley carmaker's plans on hold
By David Welch

Since its founding in 2003, Elon Musk's Tesla Motors has been a proud creature of Silicon Valley. That's to say a startup with outsize ambitions and a public disdain for business as usual—or at least as practiced by the dinosaurs in Detroit. On a tight budget, Tesla built an electric car, the Roadster, that's acclaimed for its harmonious balance of greenness, beauty, and performance. Tesla has 1,200 back orders for the $100,000 sports car, mostly from wealthy trendsetters.

But Musk, a software entrepreneur who made millions with PayPal (EBAY), has bigger aspirations: He dreams of one day producing a line of electric vehicles for every purse and purpose. A few weeks ago, Tesla seemed to be on the road to making that happen. Musk had verbal commitments for $100 million in private capital, federal loan guarantees geared at jump-starting development of alternative vehicles, and thoughts of going public next year.

Then the world changed. On Oct. 11 Musk's financial advisers at Goldman Sachs (GS) called with bad news. Investors, fazed by the credit crunch, were suddenly demanding tougher terms. Musk organized bridge financing and poured more of his own money into Tesla. With $55 million-plus at stake, Musk, who is chairman, asked the CEO to step aside, and he took over that role. He began retrenching, laying off 80 of 380 people, cutting costs, and postponing Tesla's second model, the $60,000 Model S sedan. "We're taking action before we're forced to," Musk says.

But delays and tight funds could undercut Musk's long-term vision of selling affordable electric cars to the masses. If oil prices continue their fall and stay below $80 a barrel, Tesla, which currently spends nothing on marketing, could lose some of its buzz. Plus, the startup could lose its first-mover advantage: By 2010, everyone from General Motors (GM) to Toyota Motor (TM), Nissan Motor (NSANY), and Daimler (DAI) expects to launch their own electrified vehicles. James N. Hall, who runs the auto consulting firm 2953 Analytics, sees trouble ahead. "If the market wants [electric cars] in the number Tesla is talking about," he says, "a larger auto company will bury them on cost."

The financing crunch is the second crisis Tesla has endured in the past 12 months. Last year it found that its much hyped $100,000 Roadster was over budget by some $40,000 per car. Tesla had to delay the launch by six months while it looked for a way to make the car profitably. Musk fired founding CEO Martin Eberhard and brought in as interim chief Michael Marks, an executive at electronics maker Flextronics International (FLEX).

The crisis was chastening for the Valleyites. With Marks and Musk more involved, Tesla ditched specialty suppliers, one of which had never made parts for mass-market cars before, and brought in established parts makers, some from Detroit. That cut costs by thousands of dollars per car. (Musk says the Roadster now makes money.)

Marks, who left the interim post in December, also urged Tesla to hire more people with auto industry experience. This summer, Tesla recruited engineering and factory veterans from Chrysler, a finance guy from Ford Motor (F), and a design chief from Mazda Motor (F). They were to streamline engineering, make Tesla's far-flung manufacturing operations more efficient, and get spending under control.

The Detroit hands had left flailing domestic carmakers for a startup that was promising to reinvent the industry. What they got instead was, well, more of what they were used to back in Motor City. Instead of planning research and development budgets and doling out money to add staff and produce tomorrow's electric cars, Tesla Chief Financial Officer Deepak Ahuja, the former Ford finance guy, has to swing the budget ax and say "no" more often than he thought he would. "I didn't anticipate that," Ahuja says. "We have to react as fast as we can to changing business conditions."

So far the cost cuts are prosaic and piecemeal—moving the shrinking staff into one office, delaying the Model S until the loan guarantees from the Energy Dept. are available and investors loosen up, replacing the transmission handle with a button. But Tesla will need further-reaching structural changes. For example, it gets car bodies and chassis from British sports car builder Lotus, builds electric motors in Taiwan, and does final assembly in California. Given the shipping and exchange rates, the cost per car is "scary," says Musk. He would consider shifting everything to the U.S., but he can't move body production there until 2010, when the Lotus contract expires.

Of course, cost-cutting will take Tesla only so far. Given the array of electric and hybrid vehicles hitting the roads soon, the company needs to find a way to stand out. Musk is focusing on style. He wants to be the Apple of electric vehicles. He's hired Franz von Holzhausen, who, as Mazda's chief designer for North America, had a big hand in that company's celebrated new look. Musk hopes he'll bring a sophisticated, sporty look to Tesla vehicles.

Musk insists Tesla's next models will be irresistible. The Model S will go up against formidable competition—cars such as the Lexus GS 450h hybrid, the diesel Mercedes E-class, and the Chevrolet Volt. Not that those cars feature Tesla's neck-snapping acceleration and running cost of 4 cents a mile. "Our sedan will crush everything out there," Musk says.

You have to give the man marks for confidence. But the challenges are steep—and not just because a recession looms. Past executives say Musk is a micromanager and shares blame for last year's missteps. Marks acknowledges that developing the Roadster for $150 million was a real feat, but notes Musk isn't an auto guy. "They underestimated what it took to get here, and what it takes going ahead."

Business Exchange: Read, save, and add content on BW's new Web 2.0 topic network
Oil Shock for Plug-Ins?
Is there a future for electric cars? According to an Oct. 20 story in The Washington Post, the combination of rapidly falling oil prices and the credit crunch may well kill off an assortment of plug-in hybrids in the development stage. It's a debatable point, the Post acknowledges. Some industry insiders are betting the appetite for these pricey vehicles won't wane, thanks to growing awareness about the downside of oil dependency.

To read The Washington Post article go to http://bx.businessweek.com/electric-cars/reference

As gas prices continue to rise, car companies are rethinking electric cars. In fact, many top companies like General Motors, Nissan and Toyota are announcing new electric vehicles. This topic covers the news and views regarding advancements in electric car technology.

Electric Cars is part of Business Exchange, suggested by Robert Pierce. This topic contains 411 news and 922 blog items. Read updated news, blogs, and resources about Electric Cars. Find user-submitted articles and comments on Electric Cars from like-minded professionals.

Welch is BusinessWeek's Detroit bureau chief.


Read - Road & Track writeup

Read - Sneak peek of the rear

2008年10月23日 星期四

2008年10月14日 星期二


6-1 活躍老化
台灣的健保制度對病人的照顧在世界上評價很高,不過也有人認為用錯的地方。就是花大筆 經費在健康的後端---治病的部份,而不是投資在前端,也就是預防的部份。
在這方面,與台灣同樣是人口快速老化的國家芬蘭,走了不一樣的路。把大量經費投資在預 防,發展出一套嘉惠所有民眾的公共運動俱樂部制度落實健康促進政策。
以老年為例,人人人都可獲得專業的運動處方,並有多樣的選擇從事運動,使得老人非常強 壯,活得安全快樂又減少別人的負擔。不但老人健康,
還帶動大學生存及運動產業發展。芬蘭中部城市佑華斯克拉(Jyv?skyl?),因為 實施這套健康促進計畫,可能已經是全歐洲強壯老人最多的城市。
接下來我們一起來看這個世界頂尖的例子,看他們的政府怎樣把錢花的更有眼光,怎樣與大 學怎樣一起合作,怎樣讓許多年近八十歲的老人也可以倒立翻觔斗,
6-1 活躍老化 來自: pts

在芬蘭中部四位老先生,年紀最大的都快要八十了,冰天雪地扛著厚重樂器,為的是到許多 地方義務演奏,帶給別人祝福。芬蘭正全面為老人建造這樣的機會,
要讓更多老人覺得,老年歲月,可以總是比想像的更有意義。他們是芬蘭退伍軍人,也許不 再強壯如昔,但找尋自己還可做的事,組成樂團。這天下午,連趕四場。
首先是一個教會餐會的老歌分享。老人不只服務老朋友,也服務小朋友,這裡有位朋友的三 歲孫女生日會,並不因為她小而覺得不算什麼。
芬蘭和台灣一樣是人口老化快速的國家,因宗教背景,民間推廣服務文化不宜餘力,在老化 社會也成為生命力的來源。在鄉村,一個午後,許多老人聚集。
在地方,由老人中心與中小學合作,讓老人發揮所長而學生也能幫助老人。這種合作不是為 了合作而合作向教育局社會局交差,也不是象徵性的聊備一格。
而是非常系統長期在各種正規課程中進行。互動可行性與樂趣遠大於預期。這些新作為幾乎 沒有多花什麼錢,但已經為一個高齡社會帶來不可限量的盼望。
把晚年大部分心思用去關心別人,讓芬蘭人老了,不管有錢沒錢,一樣生活打開眼界,感覺 到和周圍的人不論認識還是不認識,都有良好,相互信任的關係,讓生活有安全感,
也很充實。過去在台灣談討老人健康,多半聚焦在身體有沒有生理方面的疾病,例如糖尿病 高血壓之類,我們相當程度忽視心理健康。
其實老人離開職場以後,多數人感到生活無聊寂寞,其中還有些進一步就會開始懷疑繼續活 下去的價值。這些是老人生活圈不亞於高血壓糖尿病的問題,應該同步重視。
剛才從樂在施予的芬蘭文化中,我們看到願意幫助別人的傳統,讓芬蘭老人活著多一天都多 一分價值,不但讓老人充實快樂,也為下一代做了最好的棒樣。
也很重要的是,剛才的例子還可看到,這樣充實的生活和一個人有沒有很多錢,實在沒有必 然的關係,你我都可以生活在價值和盼望當中。
6-2 樂在施予 來自: pts

6-3 活出價值
台灣已經有兩百三十萬老人,影響的家庭人數更是不計其數。在上次我們介紹的芬蘭老人故 事,主要是讓還健康的老人及早預防失智失能。
今天我們要介紹為失能失智老人設計的照養機構以及如何培養高品質的照顧者。首先來看照 養機構的設計。談到機構設計,在台灣的慣性思維,不外乎以硬體為先,
希望看來豪華,然後讓多數老人望之興嘆,因為根本住不起。可是老人最需要的是這些嗎? 沒有很多錢註定要過悲慘的晚年,被機構照顧者只當賺錢機器嗎?
在人生最後階段平均生活兩年半的地方要怎麼讓人覺得活得快樂有尊嚴,能做真正的自己呢 ?讓我們從國家政策、機構制度與執行面來了解。
6-3 活出價值 來自: pts

6-4 助燃者
這裡是一個叫做VIVAMO的機構,是芬蘭老人學習活動開發的發源地,已經快要四十年 了。這天正進行老人靈性關懷的領導人才培訓。這是近年老人照顧領域很重視的議題。
這裡很看重運用老的生命經驗設人年輕時計活動。過去外界對芬蘭中小學教育世界頂尖比較 有印象,其實老人教材也非常精密嚴謹。芬蘭人很愛閱讀,即使對失智者也考慮到。
這是vivamo的負責人與老人公寓負責人一起開發,為失智老人讀的書,。要讓老人開 朗,得先讓老人工作者開朗。所以老師一上課先來一段。這些活動其實都是對老人身心
健康最好的預防與治療此外,年輕時積在心裡的不愉快經驗也要有吐露的機會。這個為退伍 軍人設計的聚會就有這樣的目的。把因戰爭或個人際遇造成痛苦經驗傾訴出來。
這對老人圓滿的老化非常重要。還有年輕時做過傷害別人而有罪惡感的事,也要面對,加上 鼓勵安慰,才能重新確認自己和別人是有著一樣價值的人。
有機構、有人才,加上經驗的累積,成全今日的芬蘭老人照顧品質。這又再次看到,高齡社 會的因應成敗,關鍵實在不只靠錢,也要靠想法與作法,
6-4 助燃者 來自: pts

6-5 獨立自主
來到芬蘭西部小鎮尼西亞,社區健康中心居家服務護士到老人家裡訪視。這裡的社福政策認 為,維持人最大限度獨立自主生活到老是核心目標。配套措施就是把經費不要
優先用來發現金討好選民,而是投資在促進獨立自主的基礎建設,而且確保執行品質。因此 ,對慢性病老人,不等人來醫院,就定時主動列名單到府訪視做基本健康監測。
訓練嚴格,使得護士在沒有主管看到的地方,一樣落實規定。先自我消毒,該有的動作很徹 底,一樣不少。這種檢測當天下午就會打電話給老人報告檢測結果,並提出用藥
和保健的建議。精確的定期訪視和評估系統,讓老人盡量保有在喜歡熟悉的地方終老。居服 人員深深把握促進獨立自主的原則與老人互動。還有更老的,則由政府發展出
小單位住宅,這還是和去住長照機構的氣氛很不一樣,保有較多獨立自主的感受。住的是九 十幾歲的人,但絕不把他們當老糊塗。配屬綠色衣服的清潔人員,
一天七小時在這裡,包括清潔服務、讀報紙等等,紅色衣服的護士一天數次到府服務,包括 管控醫藥和臨時的服務。
同步進行的是,廣設終身學習課程,裝備壽命越來越長的老人跟上時代的基本能力。除了成 人教育中心,廣設長青學苑,地點不一定只在學校或社區,還有安養中心。
而且課程除了怡情養性。還定期請各頂尖大學的學者報告最新的科技與社會研究,讓老人跟 上時代尖端,而且做到大家聽得下去。
芬蘭人口雖然只有台灣的五分之一,絕大多數人都有生產能力和相互幫助的社會風氣。台灣 人口也快速老化,讓更多中老年人都有機會站起來,不再是別人的負擔。
6-5 獨立自主 來自: pts

6-6 弱者強國
在芬蘭中部,媽媽帶著兩位小孩要搭火車,坐很久,又要照顧兩位小朋友,恐怕要累壞了。 好在芬蘭的長程火車,每班都有這種兒童樂園車廂。媽媽不只省力還省錢。
這種車廂從車門進來就看到是為兒童預備的。垃圾桶配合兒童高度,每個座位後有漫畫,有 圖書區、玩偶和溜滑梯。還有可以親子同樂的各種設施。兒童車廂還有家庭式包廂,
仔細看也是環狀設計,再次顯現希望增進人與人的關係。一家搭車,十二歲以下小孩免票。 要講手機有專門空間,以免強迫別人痛苦的聽他人的家務事。可能唯一的麻煩是,
既然要減輕父母壓力怎麼把車廂設在樓上呢?據說因為調查顯示,小朋友希望要有好的視野 。火車除了兒童車廂,殘障廁所當然也不會忘記,車廂雖有空間限制,
但還是設計得很寬敞,還有設計得想看不到都很難的對講按鈕,一切按著使用需求設計。芬 蘭重視人人價值平等,中央政府的政務委員還有專責就業平等議題的。
從不同角度控管社會必須真平等。從芬蘭經驗來看,其實追求弱視者的平等遠不只無障礙空 間而已。還可讓他們得到更多歡樂,和你我一樣探索享受世界的美好。
有人說看一個國家是不是真正的強國,還看它如何對待弱者,由此來看,芬蘭,正是弱者的 強國。
6-6 弱者強國 來自: pts


芬蘭,一個地處極北的國度,全國三分之一的土地,位在北極圈內。但氣候苦寒,卻沒有讓 芬蘭人低頭認輸。在國際經濟賽局中,芬蘭人一路過關斬將,讓「芬蘭模式」成為近年來, 紅極一時的經濟新典範。但究竟是什麼秘方,讓一個最貧窮、最遙遠的國度,搖身一變成為 全球競爭力冠軍?天下雜誌副總主筆蕭富元前進北歐,為您近距離透視芬蘭!

2008年10月1日 星期三

Marit Larsen - If a Song Could Get Me You (2008)

I could try you with a waltz
I could try you rock and roll
I could try you with the blues
If a song would do

I could sing it high or low
When I let you go you know
I thought it was for the best
Now it is so obvious

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

I could run for miles and miles
I'd take off and I'd start flying
I could cross land and sea
If you just believe me

I should not have hurt you so
This old house is not a home
Without you here, there's no use
I've got no time left to lose

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

If a song could get me through
I'd sing my way, right back to you
Tell me how, to make it right
Tell me now, I'll start tonight
I know I could make it last

I swear to you that if I knew
What I was getting myself into
I wouldn't answer to my fears
I'd never leave you standing there

Just look at me

If you'd only see me
I would prove my love for you
I could swallow half the moon
Just tell me where, tell me when
I will have you back again

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you


(Live Train)

(Live Nydalen)

The Tunnel of Light 在地鐵站設置的互動公共藝術
2003年,在挪威的Nydalen地鐵站裡,一個名叫” The Tunnel of Light”的互動裝置藝術落成了。這個tunnel裡的牆壁及天花板設置了感應器、喇叭,和紅綠藍色光。當旅客經過時,動態的燈光和聲音因感應而觸發,成就了特殊的聲光饗宴及城市記憶。是一個有趣的公共藝術 / 互動裝置案例。