2008年11月29日 星期六

小孩不笨 笨的是你!
























文字: 賴威慎 影像: 圖/資策會創研所


在Yahoo!於今年所做的一份報告中,整理使用者的資訊需求比重,其中說明了導航式的資訊需求(想去某個網站的需求)只佔了使用者所有資訊需求的約15%~25%,不及於資訊式資訊需求(40%~65%)及交易式資訊需求(20%~35%)。然而,主流的搜尋引擎,將要解決的問題重心放在【搜尋結果的公正排序方法】上,希望能做到不被使用者看破手腳的公正排序方法;正因如此,目前的主流搜尋引擎大多適合解IR(Information Retrieval)領域中導航式資訊需求(Navigational Information Need);對於常見的另外兩種資訊式需求(Informational Information Need)以及交易式需求(Transactional Information Need),則著墨較少。






由web2.0的重要技術特徵──異步JavaScript和XML(Ajax - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)可以看出,Web2.0講求對使用者提供更友善與更快速反應的使用介面。其中,有一種流行的應用方式──關鍵字自動補完,可以在使用者輸入搜尋字串的過程中,預測使用者可能想輸入的關鍵字,並且用下拉式選單的方式推薦給使用者。這種關鍵字推薦的方式可以幫助使用者更快速的完成輸入;不過,在更先進的研究中,已經有人開始提出可以直接在推薦的下拉式選單中,先猜測使用者想去的網站,並直接推薦給他,讓使用者可以更快速的到達目的地。

在著名的 ReadWrite 去年9月所發布的百大替代搜尋引擎(The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines)中,大部份的網站提供跨網站的搜尋功能,讓使用者在統一的搜尋介面中,自由的組合要搜尋的網站群組,或是搜尋的資源類別組合。



新興Web2.0網站應用中,提供了以使用者為中心的標籤(Tag)功能,使用者可以針對有興趣的網頁進行標籤,而經由網站上匯集所有被標記的標籤,形成了標籤雲(Tag Cloud),其中標籤字形越大者,表示是越多使用者採用的標籤(熱門標籤),上圖為摘自del.icio.us的標籤雲,使用者可以藉此觀察目前網站上面最熱門的相關主題。

此外,隨著Web2.0的潮流而來的是大量網路服務平台。透過這些平台,使用者自行製造網路內容(web content),彼此分享,結果導致大量的網路資源出現。在面對大量的搜尋結果,已經有許多網站開始嘗試提供使用者更豐富方便資源導覽方式,例如可以讓使用者自己設定搜尋條件區間的多維度搜尋(faceted search),或是利用將關鍵字作叢集或是建立關聯的方式,讓使用者除了搜尋之外,可藉由關聯辭導覽,漸進式的向自己想要的資源趨近。這種透過概念關聯地圖導覽的方法,讓使用者在資源中漫遊的【導覽式搜尋】(exploratory search)方式,目前也是一種趨勢,和多維度搜尋都是幫助使用者更明確的表達自己的資訊需求,讓使用者更輕鬆的搜尋網路資源。目前比較成熟的例子有Quintura和LivePlasma等等網站。




目前,標籤式網路服務針對這些角色(人、標籤、網頁)僅提供兩兩相連之關係,三者之間無法形成密切關聯,無法協助使用者快速尋找到所關注的角色(人、標籤、網頁),這些資源缺乏整合,所以當使用者想同時尋找各種資源時,則必須大費周章的到各站使用同一個關鍵字重複搜尋;而眾所熟知的搜尋引擎(如Google),在搜尋網頁時是依據Page Rank方法篩選內容,其結果雖可提供快速且大量的熱門網頁,但是網頁資料並未經過分類整理,造成使用不便。如果能夠將Tag cloud作為人與資訊的中介,由於資料的標注行為找到了動力而有機會實現理想中的Semantic Web世界。




 ■ 文、攝影/李鎮樟

冰島政府目前決議接受國際貨幣基金(IMF)主導之60億美元(IMF 出資21億美元)的紓困案,希望扭轉即將破產的命運。我在冰島的觀察,人民未呈現崩潰前的慌亂,生活依然非常坦然與自在,恬靜的過日子,彷彿這一切都與他們無關。

他們的鎮靜其來有自。冰島人維京海盜祖先在冰火之島建立家園1000多年以來,冰島屢經大起大落,民族性特別能勇敢冷靜面對艱難挑戰,最終都能克服各種困難,在很短的時間又重新站起來,所以,他們相信這一切很快都會過去。這次冰島之所以會成為金融海嘯第一個受害國,主要是他們的銀行太貪心了,到處借錢作多金融衍生性產品(連動債等),金融泡沫一破,就成斷頭。漁民出身的銀行家空有小聰明但是智慧不夠,拖垮國家財政,只好尋求外援。 不過,冰島人民仍然對他們自己的未來有信心,這就夠了。


冰島擁有這些天然資源,可以說是在創業中擁有「不公平的優勢」(unfair advantage),也可以說是先天上佔了便宜。當然更重要的是,冰島深知這些價值,而且很早開始就徹底執行,並期許將來可以把這些能源的Know-how輸出到其他的國家,成為能源大國之一。





地熱資源豐沛 間歇泉直衝雲霄

凡是到冰島旅遊的旅客,莫不對冰島豐沛的地熱資源感到驚訝,許多地方都可以看到間歇泉的觀賞區,每隔一段時間就會噴出,甚至直衝雲霄。冰島政府把這些資源發展為各城市的主要能源,例如冰島首都雷克亞未克,就是百分之百靠地熱提供能源的都市。而隨著地熱資源的廣泛使用,對國家的經濟發展也具有十分顯著的效益,冰島總統也曾表示,靠地熱發電可讓冰島每10年就可以省下一年國民生產毛額的巨資。當其他國家發展氫能時,碰到最大的阻礙就是需要先產生更多更貴的電,才能產生氫氣。 而冰島到處有的地熱可以幾乎免費(固定投資除外)產生氫氣,這也難怪冰島面對破產危機一點也不緊張,畢竟,多年來的能源經濟發展下來,冰島具有長期自足與富強的實力。

冰島的這些能源發展的Know- how不僅可以提供國內發展,可幫助外國在冰島煉鋁(高耗電產業),甚至可以輸出到國外。目前中國襄陽已經和冰島合作,襄陽過去是以燃燒煤礦發電,但是現在也朝向由乾淨的地熱能源取代煤礦,成為亞洲第一個地熱城市。



2008年10月28日 星期二

Tesla:Model S

Tesla announces the Model S

Electric Carmaker Tesla Downshifts
Autos October 23, 2008, 5:00PM EST

Funding gaps have put some of the Silicon Valley carmaker's plans on hold
By David Welch

Since its founding in 2003, Elon Musk's Tesla Motors has been a proud creature of Silicon Valley. That's to say a startup with outsize ambitions and a public disdain for business as usual—or at least as practiced by the dinosaurs in Detroit. On a tight budget, Tesla built an electric car, the Roadster, that's acclaimed for its harmonious balance of greenness, beauty, and performance. Tesla has 1,200 back orders for the $100,000 sports car, mostly from wealthy trendsetters.

But Musk, a software entrepreneur who made millions with PayPal (EBAY), has bigger aspirations: He dreams of one day producing a line of electric vehicles for every purse and purpose. A few weeks ago, Tesla seemed to be on the road to making that happen. Musk had verbal commitments for $100 million in private capital, federal loan guarantees geared at jump-starting development of alternative vehicles, and thoughts of going public next year.

Then the world changed. On Oct. 11 Musk's financial advisers at Goldman Sachs (GS) called with bad news. Investors, fazed by the credit crunch, were suddenly demanding tougher terms. Musk organized bridge financing and poured more of his own money into Tesla. With $55 million-plus at stake, Musk, who is chairman, asked the CEO to step aside, and he took over that role. He began retrenching, laying off 80 of 380 people, cutting costs, and postponing Tesla's second model, the $60,000 Model S sedan. "We're taking action before we're forced to," Musk says.

But delays and tight funds could undercut Musk's long-term vision of selling affordable electric cars to the masses. If oil prices continue their fall and stay below $80 a barrel, Tesla, which currently spends nothing on marketing, could lose some of its buzz. Plus, the startup could lose its first-mover advantage: By 2010, everyone from General Motors (GM) to Toyota Motor (TM), Nissan Motor (NSANY), and Daimler (DAI) expects to launch their own electrified vehicles. James N. Hall, who runs the auto consulting firm 2953 Analytics, sees trouble ahead. "If the market wants [electric cars] in the number Tesla is talking about," he says, "a larger auto company will bury them on cost."

The financing crunch is the second crisis Tesla has endured in the past 12 months. Last year it found that its much hyped $100,000 Roadster was over budget by some $40,000 per car. Tesla had to delay the launch by six months while it looked for a way to make the car profitably. Musk fired founding CEO Martin Eberhard and brought in as interim chief Michael Marks, an executive at electronics maker Flextronics International (FLEX).

The crisis was chastening for the Valleyites. With Marks and Musk more involved, Tesla ditched specialty suppliers, one of which had never made parts for mass-market cars before, and brought in established parts makers, some from Detroit. That cut costs by thousands of dollars per car. (Musk says the Roadster now makes money.)

Marks, who left the interim post in December, also urged Tesla to hire more people with auto industry experience. This summer, Tesla recruited engineering and factory veterans from Chrysler, a finance guy from Ford Motor (F), and a design chief from Mazda Motor (F). They were to streamline engineering, make Tesla's far-flung manufacturing operations more efficient, and get spending under control.

The Detroit hands had left flailing domestic carmakers for a startup that was promising to reinvent the industry. What they got instead was, well, more of what they were used to back in Motor City. Instead of planning research and development budgets and doling out money to add staff and produce tomorrow's electric cars, Tesla Chief Financial Officer Deepak Ahuja, the former Ford finance guy, has to swing the budget ax and say "no" more often than he thought he would. "I didn't anticipate that," Ahuja says. "We have to react as fast as we can to changing business conditions."

So far the cost cuts are prosaic and piecemeal—moving the shrinking staff into one office, delaying the Model S until the loan guarantees from the Energy Dept. are available and investors loosen up, replacing the transmission handle with a button. But Tesla will need further-reaching structural changes. For example, it gets car bodies and chassis from British sports car builder Lotus, builds electric motors in Taiwan, and does final assembly in California. Given the shipping and exchange rates, the cost per car is "scary," says Musk. He would consider shifting everything to the U.S., but he can't move body production there until 2010, when the Lotus contract expires.

Of course, cost-cutting will take Tesla only so far. Given the array of electric and hybrid vehicles hitting the roads soon, the company needs to find a way to stand out. Musk is focusing on style. He wants to be the Apple of electric vehicles. He's hired Franz von Holzhausen, who, as Mazda's chief designer for North America, had a big hand in that company's celebrated new look. Musk hopes he'll bring a sophisticated, sporty look to Tesla vehicles.

Musk insists Tesla's next models will be irresistible. The Model S will go up against formidable competition—cars such as the Lexus GS 450h hybrid, the diesel Mercedes E-class, and the Chevrolet Volt. Not that those cars feature Tesla's neck-snapping acceleration and running cost of 4 cents a mile. "Our sedan will crush everything out there," Musk says.

You have to give the man marks for confidence. But the challenges are steep—and not just because a recession looms. Past executives say Musk is a micromanager and shares blame for last year's missteps. Marks acknowledges that developing the Roadster for $150 million was a real feat, but notes Musk isn't an auto guy. "They underestimated what it took to get here, and what it takes going ahead."

Business Exchange: Read, save, and add content on BW's new Web 2.0 topic network
Oil Shock for Plug-Ins?
Is there a future for electric cars? According to an Oct. 20 story in The Washington Post, the combination of rapidly falling oil prices and the credit crunch may well kill off an assortment of plug-in hybrids in the development stage. It's a debatable point, the Post acknowledges. Some industry insiders are betting the appetite for these pricey vehicles won't wane, thanks to growing awareness about the downside of oil dependency.

To read The Washington Post article go to http://bx.businessweek.com/electric-cars/reference

As gas prices continue to rise, car companies are rethinking electric cars. In fact, many top companies like General Motors, Nissan and Toyota are announcing new electric vehicles. This topic covers the news and views regarding advancements in electric car technology.

Electric Cars is part of Business Exchange, suggested by Robert Pierce. This topic contains 411 news and 922 blog items. Read updated news, blogs, and resources about Electric Cars. Find user-submitted articles and comments on Electric Cars from like-minded professionals.

Welch is BusinessWeek's Detroit bureau chief.


Read - Road & Track writeup

Read - Sneak peek of the rear

2008年10月23日 星期四

2008年10月14日 星期二


6-1 活躍老化
台灣的健保制度對病人的照顧在世界上評價很高,不過也有人認為用錯的地方。就是花大筆 經費在健康的後端---治病的部份,而不是投資在前端,也就是預防的部份。
在這方面,與台灣同樣是人口快速老化的國家芬蘭,走了不一樣的路。把大量經費投資在預 防,發展出一套嘉惠所有民眾的公共運動俱樂部制度落實健康促進政策。
以老年為例,人人人都可獲得專業的運動處方,並有多樣的選擇從事運動,使得老人非常強 壯,活得安全快樂又減少別人的負擔。不但老人健康,
還帶動大學生存及運動產業發展。芬蘭中部城市佑華斯克拉(Jyv?skyl?),因為 實施這套健康促進計畫,可能已經是全歐洲強壯老人最多的城市。
接下來我們一起來看這個世界頂尖的例子,看他們的政府怎樣把錢花的更有眼光,怎樣與大 學怎樣一起合作,怎樣讓許多年近八十歲的老人也可以倒立翻觔斗,
6-1 活躍老化 來自: pts

在芬蘭中部四位老先生,年紀最大的都快要八十了,冰天雪地扛著厚重樂器,為的是到許多 地方義務演奏,帶給別人祝福。芬蘭正全面為老人建造這樣的機會,
要讓更多老人覺得,老年歲月,可以總是比想像的更有意義。他們是芬蘭退伍軍人,也許不 再強壯如昔,但找尋自己還可做的事,組成樂團。這天下午,連趕四場。
首先是一個教會餐會的老歌分享。老人不只服務老朋友,也服務小朋友,這裡有位朋友的三 歲孫女生日會,並不因為她小而覺得不算什麼。
芬蘭和台灣一樣是人口老化快速的國家,因宗教背景,民間推廣服務文化不宜餘力,在老化 社會也成為生命力的來源。在鄉村,一個午後,許多老人聚集。
在地方,由老人中心與中小學合作,讓老人發揮所長而學生也能幫助老人。這種合作不是為 了合作而合作向教育局社會局交差,也不是象徵性的聊備一格。
而是非常系統長期在各種正規課程中進行。互動可行性與樂趣遠大於預期。這些新作為幾乎 沒有多花什麼錢,但已經為一個高齡社會帶來不可限量的盼望。
把晚年大部分心思用去關心別人,讓芬蘭人老了,不管有錢沒錢,一樣生活打開眼界,感覺 到和周圍的人不論認識還是不認識,都有良好,相互信任的關係,讓生活有安全感,
也很充實。過去在台灣談討老人健康,多半聚焦在身體有沒有生理方面的疾病,例如糖尿病 高血壓之類,我們相當程度忽視心理健康。
其實老人離開職場以後,多數人感到生活無聊寂寞,其中還有些進一步就會開始懷疑繼續活 下去的價值。這些是老人生活圈不亞於高血壓糖尿病的問題,應該同步重視。
剛才從樂在施予的芬蘭文化中,我們看到願意幫助別人的傳統,讓芬蘭老人活著多一天都多 一分價值,不但讓老人充實快樂,也為下一代做了最好的棒樣。
也很重要的是,剛才的例子還可看到,這樣充實的生活和一個人有沒有很多錢,實在沒有必 然的關係,你我都可以生活在價值和盼望當中。
6-2 樂在施予 來自: pts

6-3 活出價值
台灣已經有兩百三十萬老人,影響的家庭人數更是不計其數。在上次我們介紹的芬蘭老人故 事,主要是讓還健康的老人及早預防失智失能。
今天我們要介紹為失能失智老人設計的照養機構以及如何培養高品質的照顧者。首先來看照 養機構的設計。談到機構設計,在台灣的慣性思維,不外乎以硬體為先,
希望看來豪華,然後讓多數老人望之興嘆,因為根本住不起。可是老人最需要的是這些嗎? 沒有很多錢註定要過悲慘的晚年,被機構照顧者只當賺錢機器嗎?
在人生最後階段平均生活兩年半的地方要怎麼讓人覺得活得快樂有尊嚴,能做真正的自己呢 ?讓我們從國家政策、機構制度與執行面來了解。
6-3 活出價值 來自: pts

6-4 助燃者
這裡是一個叫做VIVAMO的機構,是芬蘭老人學習活動開發的發源地,已經快要四十年 了。這天正進行老人靈性關懷的領導人才培訓。這是近年老人照顧領域很重視的議題。
這裡很看重運用老的生命經驗設人年輕時計活動。過去外界對芬蘭中小學教育世界頂尖比較 有印象,其實老人教材也非常精密嚴謹。芬蘭人很愛閱讀,即使對失智者也考慮到。
這是vivamo的負責人與老人公寓負責人一起開發,為失智老人讀的書,。要讓老人開 朗,得先讓老人工作者開朗。所以老師一上課先來一段。這些活動其實都是對老人身心
健康最好的預防與治療此外,年輕時積在心裡的不愉快經驗也要有吐露的機會。這個為退伍 軍人設計的聚會就有這樣的目的。把因戰爭或個人際遇造成痛苦經驗傾訴出來。
這對老人圓滿的老化非常重要。還有年輕時做過傷害別人而有罪惡感的事,也要面對,加上 鼓勵安慰,才能重新確認自己和別人是有著一樣價值的人。
有機構、有人才,加上經驗的累積,成全今日的芬蘭老人照顧品質。這又再次看到,高齡社 會的因應成敗,關鍵實在不只靠錢,也要靠想法與作法,
6-4 助燃者 來自: pts

6-5 獨立自主
來到芬蘭西部小鎮尼西亞,社區健康中心居家服務護士到老人家裡訪視。這裡的社福政策認 為,維持人最大限度獨立自主生活到老是核心目標。配套措施就是把經費不要
優先用來發現金討好選民,而是投資在促進獨立自主的基礎建設,而且確保執行品質。因此 ,對慢性病老人,不等人來醫院,就定時主動列名單到府訪視做基本健康監測。
訓練嚴格,使得護士在沒有主管看到的地方,一樣落實規定。先自我消毒,該有的動作很徹 底,一樣不少。這種檢測當天下午就會打電話給老人報告檢測結果,並提出用藥
和保健的建議。精確的定期訪視和評估系統,讓老人盡量保有在喜歡熟悉的地方終老。居服 人員深深把握促進獨立自主的原則與老人互動。還有更老的,則由政府發展出
小單位住宅,這還是和去住長照機構的氣氛很不一樣,保有較多獨立自主的感受。住的是九 十幾歲的人,但絕不把他們當老糊塗。配屬綠色衣服的清潔人員,
一天七小時在這裡,包括清潔服務、讀報紙等等,紅色衣服的護士一天數次到府服務,包括 管控醫藥和臨時的服務。
同步進行的是,廣設終身學習課程,裝備壽命越來越長的老人跟上時代的基本能力。除了成 人教育中心,廣設長青學苑,地點不一定只在學校或社區,還有安養中心。
而且課程除了怡情養性。還定期請各頂尖大學的學者報告最新的科技與社會研究,讓老人跟 上時代尖端,而且做到大家聽得下去。
芬蘭人口雖然只有台灣的五分之一,絕大多數人都有生產能力和相互幫助的社會風氣。台灣 人口也快速老化,讓更多中老年人都有機會站起來,不再是別人的負擔。
6-5 獨立自主 來自: pts

6-6 弱者強國
在芬蘭中部,媽媽帶著兩位小孩要搭火車,坐很久,又要照顧兩位小朋友,恐怕要累壞了。 好在芬蘭的長程火車,每班都有這種兒童樂園車廂。媽媽不只省力還省錢。
這種車廂從車門進來就看到是為兒童預備的。垃圾桶配合兒童高度,每個座位後有漫畫,有 圖書區、玩偶和溜滑梯。還有可以親子同樂的各種設施。兒童車廂還有家庭式包廂,
仔細看也是環狀設計,再次顯現希望增進人與人的關係。一家搭車,十二歲以下小孩免票。 要講手機有專門空間,以免強迫別人痛苦的聽他人的家務事。可能唯一的麻煩是,
既然要減輕父母壓力怎麼把車廂設在樓上呢?據說因為調查顯示,小朋友希望要有好的視野 。火車除了兒童車廂,殘障廁所當然也不會忘記,車廂雖有空間限制,
但還是設計得很寬敞,還有設計得想看不到都很難的對講按鈕,一切按著使用需求設計。芬 蘭重視人人價值平等,中央政府的政務委員還有專責就業平等議題的。
從不同角度控管社會必須真平等。從芬蘭經驗來看,其實追求弱視者的平等遠不只無障礙空 間而已。還可讓他們得到更多歡樂,和你我一樣探索享受世界的美好。
有人說看一個國家是不是真正的強國,還看它如何對待弱者,由此來看,芬蘭,正是弱者的 強國。
6-6 弱者強國 來自: pts


芬蘭,一個地處極北的國度,全國三分之一的土地,位在北極圈內。但氣候苦寒,卻沒有讓 芬蘭人低頭認輸。在國際經濟賽局中,芬蘭人一路過關斬將,讓「芬蘭模式」成為近年來, 紅極一時的經濟新典範。但究竟是什麼秘方,讓一個最貧窮、最遙遠的國度,搖身一變成為 全球競爭力冠軍?天下雜誌副總主筆蕭富元前進北歐,為您近距離透視芬蘭!

2008年10月1日 星期三

Marit Larsen - If a Song Could Get Me You (2008)

I could try you with a waltz
I could try you rock and roll
I could try you with the blues
If a song would do

I could sing it high or low
When I let you go you know
I thought it was for the best
Now it is so obvious

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

I could run for miles and miles
I'd take off and I'd start flying
I could cross land and sea
If you just believe me

I should not have hurt you so
This old house is not a home
Without you here, there's no use
I've got no time left to lose

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

If a song could get me through
I'd sing my way, right back to you
Tell me how, to make it right
Tell me now, I'll start tonight
I know I could make it last

I swear to you that if I knew
What I was getting myself into
I wouldn't answer to my fears
I'd never leave you standing there

Just look at me

If you'd only see me
I would prove my love for you
I could swallow half the moon
Just tell me where, tell me when
I will have you back again

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you

So here it is, here it goes
I could try rock and roll
I would change your life forever too
If a song could get me you
I could make it high or low
Sing it on the radio
If that is what I need to do
If a song could get me you


(Live Train)

(Live Nydalen)

The Tunnel of Light 在地鐵站設置的互動公共藝術
2003年,在挪威的Nydalen地鐵站裡,一個名叫” The Tunnel of Light”的互動裝置藝術落成了。這個tunnel裡的牆壁及天花板設置了感應器、喇叭,和紅綠藍色光。當旅客經過時,動態的燈光和聲音因感應而觸發,成就了特殊的聲光饗宴及城市記憶。是一個有趣的公共藝術 / 互動裝置案例。

2008年9月30日 星期二

Marit Larsen - Don't Save Me

You say, we must move forward
And I say, let's not go back
Once we were brave explorers
But this trail is a worn-out track
Don't chase that setting sun
Look what we've become

Don't save me, I'll save you the hassle
Our little castle is a house of cards
It's empty, heartache is pending
This is us ending

You say, you were just kidding
And I say, this is no joke
We've grown and we're not fitting
We've flamed out to a wisp of smoke
Don't turn the truth around
It reads the same way upside-down

So don't save me
Don't you dare

Little by little, sneaking upon
Till it's too much to ignore
Let's leave in the middle, before it dead ends
I've been down this road

Don't you dare leave me here
I'll go looking elsewhere!

[Chorus 2x]

So don't save me
Don't you dare

Marit Larsen - Solid Ground

Cannot fall, never do regret
Know just what is being said
Know the risk you take
Keep your head above it all
Sure you can fall
But not now you gotta prove
Something new, being you, being you

Can't feel, keep from asking why
Be the strongest at goodbyes
Know your place in life
Now expand your wings and fly
It reaches high but not,
Enough you seem to me
So incomplete, swept off your feet

And let me tell you they will always pull you down
Before you know it they will take your smile and push you around
They will fight and struggle
To blur and trouble
Your sense of solid ground

Cannot know, lose your self-control
Be and angel over all
Know your secret way
Laugh at everything they say
Will you remain the same?
And now you dare not see
What's letting go
Inside of me,is it me?

And they will always pull you down
Before you know it they will take your smile and push you around
They will fight and struggle
To blur and trouble
Your sense of solid ground

Keep your head above it all, sure you can fall
But not now you gotta prove

And they will always pull you down
Before you know it they will take your smile and push you around
They will haunt your every dream
They will make you come undone at the seams
And they will fight and struggle
To blur and trouble
Your sense of solid ground?

Keep your head above it all
Sure you can fall
But not now you gotta prove
Something new, being you, being you

Marit Larsen - Only a fool

So you say I need to consider this
Yours were the face that I couldn't resist
Yours was the fuel to the flames in my heart
Mine were the words that would tear us apart

Well I say I found the letters you wrote
Mine was the smile and the life that you broke
Mine was the story that you told your friends
Yours were the demons you couldn't defend

Understand me, as of lately I've learned a thing or two
There is just no way that I'll be coming home to you

'Cause only a fool would do this again
Only a fool would let you back in
There is no you left to embrace
There is no word would make it feel safe
Love was a gift, stubborn and wild
I was armed with the faith of a child
And you were my joy, you were my friend
There is no going back there again

[Chorus 2]
It's more than you can ask of me my love
I'm coming out of nowhere
It feels good here better than you know
Isn't it only fair that you try and let it go?

Yours was the ring that I started to wear
Yours were the vows that went up in the air
Yours was the choice to stay away from her
Mine was the dream that got lost in the stir

These were the times I would call you my own
These were the times I were waiting at home

I'll tell you something, I've been changing after what you put me through
There is just no way that I'll be coming home to you


'Cause only a fool would do this again
Only a fool would let you back in
There is no you left to embrace
There is no word would make it feel safe

[Chorus 2]

Let it go
Let it go
I said "only a fool"
"Only a fool"

Marit Larsen - Under The Surface


It's such a funny sensation to be----------------------------這是如此奇妙的感受
So happy that you wanna die-----------------------------------企盼你的深情相許
Promises always were crazy to me -------------------承諾對我來說 永遠都是瘋狂的
But never was I so surprised -----------------------然而 這一切 我都不感到意外

Minutes are longer when we are apart------------------當你不在身邊 時間變得漫長
Your presence's more than I can handle-----------有你出現的時刻 我已早已失去控制
It's come to the point where I wonder if I
Could ever be luckier when----------------------------不知我是否 可以如此的幸運

Suddenly I'm back at the core--------------------------------突然間 我回到原點
Thinking of her who had you before-----------------------想著曾經和你在一起的她
Were you as good
As good as we are-------------------------------那時的你 也像我們現在這樣快樂嗎
Do you remember?--------------------------------------------你還惦記著她嗎?
Did you love her the way you love me?-----------你是否也曾用 愛我的方式 去愛著她
Is there a chance that there might be ---------------------你和她過去的點點滴滴
Traces of her that you carry under the surface?---------還埋藏在你的心底深處嗎?

Lend me your ears, I would like to confess-------------耳朵靠過來 我要向你告白
I'm doubting that you can be real----------------------對於你的坦承 我十分懷疑
By your side wearing a beautiful dress ----------------在你的身旁 我只為你美麗
I celebrate how good it feels------------------------------我珍惜片刻的美好時光

Say that you love me, say that it's true-------------說你愛我 告訴我這是真實的
I know that I want to believe you--------------------------------我想要相信你
But somehow silence speaks louder than words------------然而 沉默確征服了言語
I'm worried she's still on your mind-----------我依舊掛念著的是 她還依然住在你心裡


Mmm... I know that I'm selfish---------------------------------我知道我很自私
I know that it's bad-------------------------------------------我知道這樣不好
I know, but it's driving me mad------------------------------但我就是無法克制
It's driving me mad--------------------------------------------無法克制這一切

Under the surface---------------------------------------------------埋藏心底
Under the surface---------------------------------------------------埋藏心底

¨°º¤ø„¸ Marit is the ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ ~~~Best!!~~~``°º¤ø„¸


2008年9月29日 星期一

Where to Stash Your Cash

Investment strategies for today

The market may have you scratching your head and wondering where to invest your money. We guide you through a strategy that considers your age and how much risk you're willing to tolerate

State of the Economy

How sound is the U.S. economy?

Wall Street is jittery as Washington works on a bailout to resurrect the banking system. How sound is the economy and what impact could a bailout have? BW's Michael Mandel offers answers

Do-It-Yourself Home Projects

Save money with do-it-yourself home tips

A quick and easy way to save money these days is take on projects at home. Don’t hire a pro. It may sound daunting, but it can be done. We'll review some easy do-it-yourself tricks

Travel off the Beaten Track

Trips to small towns

We're taking a rather obscure trip to some small towns that you won't find on many tour itineraries, but they're worth a look for a weekend or more

2008年9月27日 星期六

The Economist: Business this week - September 27th 2008

Bail-out plans in the US, white knuckles in the stockmarkets, Fannie, Freddie and the FBI and the arrival of the Android phone

2008年9月20日 星期六

One Bank Stands Alone

One small bank continues to succeed

The subprime crisis toppled behemoths such as Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch, but one small bank didn't take the same risks and came out not only unscathed but ahead of the game.

A Changed Wall Street Landscape

What does the financial future hold?

Bailouts, buyouts, bankruptcies, and trillions lost in investor capital. It has been a crazy week on Wall Street. What's the long-term fallout for the economy, and will the Street recover?

2008年9月19日 星期五

Is Your Money Safe?

Where should you stash your savings?

Are your funds safe amid the turmoil on Wall Street? We take a look at what you should do with your 401(k) and other investments in the wake of the biggest shake-up in finance in years.

2008年9月1日 星期一

2008年8月18日 星期一

2008年8月16日 星期六

2008年8月2日 星期六

Hands On Gizmos: Digitally Inked

In the latest installment of Hands on Gizmos, Andy Jordan looks at some of the quirky side effects of using a digital pen that records audio. (Aug. 1)

Reporters in Beijing to Get Web Access

Reporters in Beijing to Get Web Access
Reporters covering the Olympics in Beijing are to get unrestricted Internet access but not the rest of China, following censorship claims just days before the opening ceremony. Video courtesy of Reuters. (Aug. 1)

IOC Probes China Censorship Claims
The International Olympic Committee is looking into reports of Internet censorship for journalist covering the Olympics. Video courtesy of Reuters. (July 30)

Anton the robotic tongue has saved you from electrode doom

by Joshua Fruhlinger, posted Jul 30th 2008 at 6:20AM

So we had a choice: either we let scientists at the University of Sheffield attach electrodes to our tongues, or they were going to go and build their own artificial mouth. Because we're not so into the whole electrode thing, they built "Anton," an animatronic tongue made of soft silicone to help them understand speech and subsequently improve speech-recognition software. This isn't the first of its kind, believe it or not -- there's much competition in the robotic mouth world. Because speech recognition systems aren't really benefiting from simply crowding them full of recorded speech, researchers want to better understand how the mouth produces sound and then create algorithms that can simply recognize speech patterns rather than try to match recordings to recordings. Sounds about right to us. Peep the creepy video after the break.

2008年8月1日 星期五


作詞:陳宏宇 作曲:謝布暐 編曲:謝景麒(G-Wave)

大雨過後的眼淚 掛在裝滿回憶的櫥窗
我卻不想望一望 那些心碎的形狀

#記憶是一個行囊 陪伴著我到世界流浪
 我讓悲傷都裝上翅膀 再見了 就不能倔強

*該忘了你對不對 怕自己無法面對
 無怨無悔 把一切留給紀念
 受過折磨的創傷 它會慢慢被歲月一片片填滿
 漸漸就習慣不再想 忘記曾經最痛的地方

 該忘了你對不對 我應該堅強面對
 學會遺忘 不能相愛的掙扎
 記憶會為我收藏 那些美麗時光
 帶著我去尋找 幸福的希望

2008年7月31日 星期四

Unhappy America

Jul 24th 2008
From The Economist print edition

If America can learn from its problems, instead of blaming others, it will come back stronger

NATIONS, like people, occasionally get the blues; and right now the United States, normally the world’s most self-confident place, is glum. Eight out of ten Americans think their country is heading in the wrong direction. The hapless George Bush is partly to blame for this: his approval ratings are now sub-Nixonian. But many are concerned not so much about a failed president as about a flailing nation.

One source of angst is the sorry state of American capitalism (see article). The “Washington consensus” told the world that open markets and deregulation would solve its problems. Yet American house prices are falling faster than during the Depression, petrol is more expensive than in the 1970s, banks are collapsing, the euro is kicking sand in the dollar’s face, credit is scarce, recession and inflation both threaten the economy, consumer confidence is an oxymoron and Belgians have just bought Budweiser, “America’s beer”.

And it’s not just the downturn that has caused this discontent. Many Americans feel as if they missed the boom. Between 2002 and 2006 the incomes of 99% rose by an average of 1% a year in real terms, while those of the top 1% rose by 11% a year; three-quarters of the economic gains during Mr Bush’s presidency went to that top 1%. Economic envy, once seen as a European vice, is now rife. The rich appear in Barack Obama’s speeches not as entrepreneurial role models but as modern versions of the “malefactors of great wealth” denounced by Teddy Roosevelt a century ago: this lot, rather than building trusts, avoid taxes and ship jobs to Mexico. Globalisation is under fire: free trade is less popular in the United States than in any other developed country, and a nation built on immigrants is building a fence to keep them out. People mutter about nation-building beginning at home: why, many wonder, should American children do worse at reading than Polish ones and at maths than Lithuanians?

The dragon’s breath on your shoulder
Abroad, America has spent vast amounts of blood and treasure, to little purpose. In Iraq, finding an acceptable exit will look like success; Afghanistan is slipping. America’s claim to be a beacon of freedom in a dark world has been dimmed by Guantánamo, Abu Ghraib and the flouting of the Geneva Conventions amid the panicky “unipolar” posturing in the aftermath of September 11th.

Now the world seems very multipolar. Europeans no longer worry about American ascendancy. The French, some say, understood the Arab world rather better than the neoconservatives did. Russia, the Gulf Arabs and the rising powers of Asia scoff openly at the Washington consensus. China in particular spooks America—and may do so even more over the next few weeks of Olympic medal-gathering. Americans are discussing the rise of China and their consequent relative decline; measuring when China’s economy will be bigger and counting its missiles and submarines has become a popular pastime in Washington. A few years ago, no politician would have been seen with a book called “The Post-American World”. Mr Obama has been conspicuously reading Fareed Zakaria’s recent volume.

America has got into funks before now. In the 1950s it went into a Sputnik-driven spin about Soviet power; in the 1970s there was Watergate, Vietnam and the oil shocks; in the late 1980s Japan seemed to be buying up America. Each time, the United States rebounded, because the country is good at fixing itself. Just as American capitalism allows companies to die, and to be created, quickly, so its political system reacts fast. In Europe, political leaders emerge slowly, through party hierarchies; in America, the primaries permit inspirational unknowns to burst into the public consciousness from nowhere.

Still, countries, like people, behave dangerously when their mood turns dark. If America fails to distinguish between what it needs to change and what it needs to accept, it risks hurting not just allies and trading partners, but also itself.

The Asian scapegoat
There are certainly areas where change is needed. The credit crunch is in part the consequence of a flawed regulatory system. Lax monetary policy allowed Americans to build up debts and fuelled a housing bubble that had to burst eventually. Lessons need to be learnt from both of those mistakes; as they do from widespread concerns about the state of education and health care. Over-unionised and unaccountable, America’s school system needs the same sort of competition that makes its universities the envy of the world. American health care, which manages to be the most expensive on the planet even though it fails properly to care for the tens of millions of people, badly needs reform.

There have been plenty of mistakes abroad, too. Waging a war on terror was always going to be like pinning jelly to a wall. As for Guantánamo Bay, it is the most profoundly un-American place on the planet: rejoice when it is shut.

In such areas America is already showing its genius for reinvention. Both the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates promise to close Guantánamo. As his second term ticks down, even Mr Bush has begun to see the limits of unilateralism. Instead of just denouncing and threatening the “axis of evil” he is working more closely with allies (and non-allies) in Asia to calm down North Korea. For the first time he has just let American officials join in the negotiations with Iran about its fishy nuclear programme (see article).

That America is beginning to correct its mistakes is good; and there’s plenty more of that to be done. But one source of angst demands a change in attitude rather than a drive to restore the status quo: America’s relative decline, especially compared with Asia in general and China in particular.

The economic gap between America and a rising Asia has certainly narrowed; but worrying about it is wrong for two reasons. First, even at its present growth rate, China’s GDP will take a quarter of a century to catch up with America’s; and the internal tensions that China’s rapidly changing economy has caused may well lead it to stumble before then. Second, even if Asia’s rise continues unabated, it is wrong—and profoundly unAmerican—to regard this as a problem. Economic growth, like trade, is not a zero-sum game. The faster China and India grow, the more American goods they buy. And they are booming largely because they have adopted America’s ideas. America should regard their success as a tribute, not a threat, and celebrate in it.

Many Americans, unfortunately, are unwilling to do so. Politicians seeking a scapegoat for America’s self-made problems too often point the finger at the growing power of once-poor countries, accusing them of stealing American jobs and objecting when they try to buy American companies. But if America reacts by turning in on itself—raising trade barriers and rejecting foreign investors—it risks exacerbating the economic troubles that lie behind its current funk.

Everybody goes through bad times. Some learn from the problems they have caused themselves, and come back stronger. Some blame others, lash out and damage themselves further. America has had the wisdom to take the first course many times before. Let’s hope it does so again.

What's Next for Berkeley B-School

Dean Richard Lyons discusses his plans

Richard Lyons, former chief learning officer at Goldman Sachs, is a few weeks into his role as dean of Haas Business School at the University of California at Berkeley.

2008年7月30日 星期三

Wireless Headsets

New technology for wireless headsets

States continue to pass laws prohibiting hand-held cell phone use while driving. So if you drive and chat, you'll need an earpiece. Here's a review of wireless Bluetooth headsets.

Economic Outlook

An overview of the U.S. economy

With the second half of the year under way, where are gas prices, stocks, and the housing market headed?

Mossberg Breaks Down the iPhone

WSJ's Walt Mossberg reviews the brand new 3G iPhone, weighing whether or not the latest features, including a faster internet network, GPS and a lower entry price, can overshadow some of the drawbacks. (July 9 2008)

Monitoring Home-Based Workers

In a budding trend some employment experts say is invasive, companies are stepping up electronic monitoring and oversight of tens of thousands of home-based workers.

WSJ's Sue Shellenbarger reports. (July 30 2008)

Mossberg: Apple's MobileMe Needs Fixing

Walt Mossberg says at $100 a year, Apple's MobileMe service sounds great, but doesn't work. MobileMe was created to automatically push new email, contacts and calendar events to your Mac, PC, iPhone and iPod touch. (July 24 2008)

Anton the robotic tongue has saved you from electrode doom

by Joshua Fruhlinger, posted Jul 30th 2008 at 6:20AM

So we had a choice: either we let scientists at the University of Sheffield attach electrodes to our tongues, or they were going to go and build their own artificial mouth. Because we're not so into the whole electrode thing, they built "Anton," an animatronic tongue made of soft silicone to help them understand speech and subsequently improve speech-recognition software. This isn't the first of its kind, believe it or not -- there's much competition in the robotic mouth world. Because speech recognition systems aren't really benefiting from simply crowding them full of recorded speech, researchers want to better understand how the mouth produces sound and then create algorithms that can simply recognize speech patterns rather than try to match recordings to recordings. Sounds about right to us. Peep the creepy video after the break.

2008年7月24日 星期四

Yes You Know

張棟樑 - 付出
作詞:Elvis Chin、趙政信 / 作曲:Elvis Chin、葉進賢 / 編曲:李乃剛

你每天都把自己關在屋裡 聽同一片CD 麻痺所有的淚滴
我全都看在眼裡 卻無能為力 傷痛的心 彷彿無法痊癒
心痛 難過 只因為你衝動 沒有後悔不覺得累 我願為你承受

付出 付出我的全部 我給你幸福 Oh Yes You Know
只是在 你願不願意接受
幸福 我願給你最真摯溫柔
攤開你的雙手 就讓一切從頭

你每天都把自己關在屋裡 問同一個問題 放不開他的離去
你該學會勇敢的接受他做的決定 不再惦記 他留下的痕跡
想要 永遠 只有為你衝動 不會後退不覺得累 我願為你承受

從此只為你煩憂 You gotta tell me what can I do

付出 付出我的全部 我給你幸福 Oh Yes You Know

2008年7月12日 星期六


作詞:廖瑩如 作曲:郭文賢 編曲:Jamie Wilson

就要離別 勇敢的流淚 而你的眼神超越了語言
不說再見 我們卻了解 分開了不代表會改變

誰需要誰 白雲和藍天 依偎才有美好的畫面
大風一吹 離得並不遠 下次見面以前都記得那感覺

芳草碧連天 固執的季節 寒冬一過還有春天希望永不凋謝
芳草碧連天 永遠的畫面 當我想念閉上雙眼你在心裡面

離別以前 已開始想念 讓期待緊緊連結這一切
走慢一點 不管有多遠 放不下就代表不會變

誰需要誰 白雲和藍天 依偎才有美好的畫面
大風一吹 離得並不遠 下次見面以前都記得那感覺

芳草碧連天 固執的季節 寒冬一過還有春天希望永不凋謝
芳草碧連天 永遠的畫面 當我想念閉上雙眼你在我心裡面

芳草碧連天 寒冬一過還有春天希望永不凋謝
芳草碧連天 永遠的畫面 當我想念閉上雙眼你在心裡面

2008年6月1日 星期日



1「人類學家」(The Anthropologist)觀察人類行為,並深入瞭解人在身體上以及情感上,如何與產品、服務,和空間產生互動,進而帶給組織新的學習和新的見解。當IDEO的人因學人員出外勤到醫院裡和年老的開刀病患共處四十八小時的時候(詳第一章),她就是過著人類學家的生活,協助開發新醫療照護系統。

2「實驗家」(The Experimenter)不斷地把新構想製成原型,在嘗試錯誤的過程中得到啟示,並加以學習。實驗家以「實驗即執行」(experimentation as implementation)的規格,承擔計劃性風險以達成任務。當BMW跳過其所有傳統的廣告通路,而在bmwfilms.com網站上開發戲院品質的短片時,沒人知道這個實驗是否會成功。他們這項作法,另闢蹊徑卻很成功,這要歸因於實驗家,詳第二章。

3「異花授粉者」(The Cross-Pollinator)探索其他的產業和文化,然後把所見所聞應用到你的企業上。日本有一位女企業家,為了找尋品牌的新靈感而旅行五千英里,終於在海洋對岸找到答案,開啟她龐大的零售事業王國,這就是異花授粉者所能展現的力量。我們會在第三章討論她的故事。

4「跨欄運動員」知道創新的道路上佈滿了障礙,因而發展出一套克服障礙的本領。數十年前,3M一位工作人員發明了透明膠帶(Scotch tape),起初他的構想遭到否決,但他卻不願放棄。他利用他的核決權限一百美元,連續簽發許多九十九美元的訂單來購買重要的機器設備以生產第一批貨。他這樣堅持,終於得到了成果,3M因為這位精力充沛的跨欄運動員願意克服萬難活用公司規定,累積獲利達數十億美元之譜。



7「體驗建築師」(The Experience Architect)所設計出來的消費體驗令人折服,超越了產品表面上的功能,在更深的層次當中和客戶的需求,包括隱藏和外顯的需求,連結在一起。有一家冰淇淋專賣店把冷凍點心的準備工作轉化為有趣的娛樂,創造出非常驚人的績效,這就是一套成功設計的新體驗。扮演好體驗建築師這個角色,可以提升產品售價,強化市場口碑。

8「舞台設計師」(The Set Designer)能夠把實體環境轉化成影響成員行為和態度的有力工具,他們所打造出來的舞台,可以讓創新小組的成員盡心盡力地工作。皮克斯(Pixar)和工業光魔(Industrial Light &Magic)等公司瞭解,合適的辦公環境有助於培育和維護創新文化。有一個商業小組在重新規劃空間之後,生產力增加了一倍;還有一個球隊發現全新的體育場,可以重振獲勝能力,這都是舞台設計師所展現的價值。在舞台設計師可以發揮功能的組織裡,有時候會發現他們的改善績效相當可觀,而所有的空間變動成本,也都值回票價了。

9「看護人」(The Caregiver)就好比醫院裡專業的看護人員那樣,他們不只是服務客戶而已,他們還照顧客戶。好的看護人會預先設想客戶的需求,並準備妥當以照顧他們。當你看到企業所提供的服務完全符合你的需求時,通常,這家公司裡就有一位看護人。曼哈頓一家酒窖,在客戶還沒開口要求之前,就曉得要去教他們如何享受品酒的樂趣,這就是發揮了看護人的角色——同時,他們也賺到了不錯的利潤。

10「說故事的人」(The Storyteller)透過生動的故事,和大家溝通基本的人性價值或強化某種文化特性,以建立內部人員的士氣並增進外界對公司的認識。像戴爾(Dell)和星巴克這樣的公司,有許多的傳奇故事來支撐他們的品牌,並在自己的團隊裡建立袍澤之情。美敦力電子(Medtronic)以產品創新和持續高成長聞名,他們發自內心,把產品如何改善病患生活(甚至於如何拯救病患生命)之親身體驗故事說出來,以強化其企業文化。這些角色的吸引力在於他們有效。並不是在理論上有效或是在教室裡有效,而是在無情的市場中有效。IDEO已經在真實世界這個大實驗室裡,嚴格地測試了數千次,檢視其在創新上的成效。我們幾乎每年都要執行數百個創新案。過去,我們的客戶主要來自新設公司或是科技公司,而今天,我們的主要客戶有一部分來自財星一百大企業的佼佼者。他們找我們幫忙並不只是為了單一的創新案,而是一系列的創新案。他們希望運用我們優秀團隊的見解和精力而來找我們,因為,我們擅長扮演異花授粉者、人類學家、和實驗家的角色。

資料來源:搜主義網路書店& Mr. Jones好書推薦

2008年5月27日 星期二




一粥一飯, 當思來處不易.半絲半縷,恆念物力維艱。














聽婦言,乖骨肉,豈是 丈夫.重資財,薄父母,不成人子。



















2008年3月25日 星期二


作詞:許常德 作曲:陳小霞 編曲:王豫民

走出你的視線 我直接走向車站
十點的車票在手上 地點是很遠的地方
沒有留下原因 因為心情已用盡
我已拿走所有行李 就是最好的說明

不告而別 不告而別
只因為對你太了解 太了解 再多說也不能挽回
不告而別 不告而別
是不想看見你的眼淚 那會讓我做出錯誤的解決
不告而別 不告而別
不想在你的世界 我的世界 留下希望的牽連

2008年2月7日 星期四

2008年1月27日 星期日


作詞(さくし)・(し)作曲(さっきょく)  槇原敬之(まきはらたかゆき) さん
もともと特別とくべつなOnly one/原本就是特別的only one




そうさ 僕らは/是啊 我們皆是

きれいだから仕方しかたないね/都那麼美麗 所以難以抉擇



そうさ 僕らも/是啊 我們皆是

もともと特別とくべつなOnly one/原本就是特別的only one







張棟樑 - Only One
作詞:翁亦佳 / 作曲:槙原敬之



你喜歡我就不會停下來 讓世界更精彩


你要相信自己是 Only One

Le Festin--Ratatouille

Les rêves des amoureux sont comme le bon vin 戀人的夢就像好酒
Ils donnent de la joie ou bien du chagrin 使人欣喜或傷感
Affaibli par la faim je suis malheureux 我餓得發慌好難過
Volant en chemin tout ce que je peux 路途上能偷就偷
Car rien n'est gratuit dans la vie 因為天下沒有白吃的午餐

L'espoir est un plat bien trop vite consommé 希望是一道太快吃完的菜
À sauter les repas je suis habitué 我已經習慣有一餐沒一餐
Un voleur solitaire est triste à nourrir 孤獨的小偷傷心得吃不下
À nous, je suis amer, je veux réussir 我心中酸苦,渴望成功
Car rien n'est gratuit dans la vie 因為天下沒有白吃的午餐

Jamais on ne me dira que la course aux étoiles,
ça n'est pas pour moi 沒人可以說追求夢想是我做不到的事
Laisser-moi vous émerveillez, prendre mon envol 讓我使你們驚嘆,發揮所長
Nous allons enfin nous régaler 我們終於要吃頓好菜

La fête va enfin commencer 派對終於要開始了
Et sortez les bouteilles, finis les ennuis 拿出好酒,忘掉煩惱
Je dresse la table, demain nouvelle vie 我擺飾餐桌,明日又是新生
Je suis heureux à l'idée de ce nouveau destin 我欣然面對新的命運
Une vie à me cacher, et puis libre enfin 以往躲躲藏藏,終於自由
Le festin est sur mon chemin 饗宴就在不遠處

"Anyone can cook!" Gusteau said...
Uncle Coffee

2008年1月20日 星期日

Which do YOU think it was?

A boat, beneath a sunny sky
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July
Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear.
Long has (had) paled that sunny sky,
Echoes fade and memories die;
Autumn frosts have slain July,
Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream
Lingering in the golden gleam
Life, what is it but a dream?

---Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)

2008年1月18日 星期五

2008年1月6日 星期日

Love's Secres(愛情的秘密)

Never seek to tell thy love,(切莫將你的愛意吐露)
Love that never told can be;(愛情不能用言語傾訴)
For the gentle wind doth move(要像那微風輕輕拂送)
Silently, invisibly.(無影也無蹤)

I told my love, I told my love,(我吐露了我的愛,我傾訴了我的情)
I told her all my heart;(我全心全意地向她招供)
Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears,(驚恐萬分,手腳冰冷,直打哆嗦)
Ah! she doth depart!(啊!她還是離開了我)

Soon as she was gone from me,(她剛離開我不久)
A traveler came by,(一位陌生的旅人恰好經過)
Silently, invisibly(他無影也無蹤)
He took her with a sigh.(只嘆了一口氣就獲得她的情鍾)

---William Blake, 1757~1827(尤克強.2007)

2008年1月1日 星期二